After a long hiatus from ‘this’ blog (well..actually the reason was you see I am getting paid for writing another blog, a rather serious one – read:boring;) I thought lets get back to this one. Last few months have been exciting. Purely from professional point of view and personally as well actually! Just in September, when I thought to resign from my job took me four months to FINALLY put in my papers and man..was it fun(ny)! I decided to quit and in what I would not call ‘a weird co-incident’ my boss asked me the same day whether I was planning to leave? And he asked it to me out of nowhere. Never before he had asked me this but that day was special. And I thought, either this makes my job very easy OR very tough. FTW..i thought, lets choose ‘easy’. He sat with me for 3 hours ‘counseling’ me that I was making a wrong career movie. He’d kill me for this now but, in my head at that point of time, I was thinking of the 10 days ‘leisure’ leave that was going to start from the very next day! We ended our meeting. He thought he had won the battle. I let him think so. Two days later, called him to up to say “I have decided..I am leaving”. Spent my next 8 days having a good time and then the next one month after say working. I have realized the ‘notice period’ teaches you a lot. Shows the true colour of a boss. Boss, I am not saying anything..good or bad. So please don’t assume anything. Am listening to Danzig right all kind of devil thoughts are coming to my head. Control. Control.
New place..New colleagues (some old..quite literally) so far so good.
Personally, many friends have gone places in search of good money..good life. The ones wo are here have their own set of things. One buys cars like Gillette Mach 3. Every 2 months. One is getting fatter by the day..not months. Hope he does something. Another one’s engagement got annulled in the courtship period. Good for him though. One left his plush job to start something on his own and boy he did! Another one got a cool jump financially. One left banking and joined advertising, taking a severe pay-cut! How ironic. One is always unhappy in the foreign lands, which I’ll never be able to understand why. Another one is content in a faraway part of the country which frankly speaking seems as faraway as North pole. One got married but is living away from his wife, for career reasons. One left a plush job here to go to a first world country which was severely affected by The Recession. Now he works in a grocery store. Things people do to make a career and earn monies. Another one is moving from one country to another, literally, I don’t know in search of what. I’ll assume – good career. Building a career has taken so much importance. Life ke pressure, I tell you.
Another important transition has been from people going from bachelorhood to getting married to having kids!
And where do I stand in all this? Well, I have had my share of hardships in every way possible..or may be not. I’ve learnt to enjoy each small happiness. To never miss anything big or small. I completely believe that life is a game of averages. Good-Bad will always be finally equal. If something bad has happened, good is just round the corner (love this strange phrase: ‘round the corner’) Karma my friend, believe in it. Keep smiling and never look down upon anybody.
As for me, in more materialistic terms, Finally I’ve a well-paying-satisfying job (hungry for more though;) Lovely partner. Brother a rock-star, literally. Mom’s awesome food. Good friends, all of the above plus many more. May God continue in helping me power to get: More books to read. More DVDs to watch. More tweeting to do. More beer to drink. More music to listen to. So much to little..blah blah…
should have written more in detail. its good stuff. though ur attitude of law of averages saddens me a bit. if that is true, life wud b flat n it most certainly is not! or perhaps m just jealous that things should b so simple for you!
n wht do u think all the friends(n other ppl who r not friends) searching for?! perhaps nothing... just following the stale trend handed down to us by generations of human race. earn more money, get married, have children, raise them, get old, retire, die.
a life already lived millions of times before.
most bosses are assholes n urs was the biggest one! how u r incapable of saying things as they are! very rarely u wud find a boss worthy of her statre and i surely believe that u wud make that rare find.
moonful of luck!
PS-who did u do.... oops m sorry, i mean wht did u do on ur 10 days' leave?!
hmm..naive..raw..u could have written more about me thn may be I would have liked it..but no seriously cant agree more with isha_fire.we have become so engrossed in the rat race that we have actually forgotten we are humans and not rats..and it will require more than a jolt to come out of it, be innovative and then be sucessful,u be the d way u r and all d best with yr life :)
Ah wow Pankaj...beautiful word is "round the corner". Simply love it just like "What goes around comes back around". What I believe is it's really awesome to be a human being though at times it looks like boring or living a dull life lived by many others. In fact, living is the only cause. Good to read you.
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