12 friends:
On the day we left Ahmedabad, we were 8. One Toyota Innova. Good weather. Great drive from Ahmedabad to Baroda. And then the pain in butt n back and everywhere else started and ended only in Surat where one more Toyota Innova & 3 more friends joined us. Which frankly meant more room to park your ass. I must tell you Surat to Mumbai (outskirts only) is one cool drive. It was drizzling and so it was awesome (read:awaysome;)
PS: I forgot to tell you. I was with 11 other Gujjus. Man..i so love them.
Anywz..I say Mumbai outskirts cos’ we had to go to Thane station to pick up our final member. Tally now: 2 Toyota Innova cars & 12 friends. 6 in each. Comfortable enough.
Getting to Thane, asking for directions, picking up our friend, getting out of Mumbai. Took 180mins.
So we inch ahead. Still outside Mumbai and asking for directions for Goa (which is still 600kms away) And above all this, one of the cars (not ours) was running out of diesel and the we were in Mumbai where most of the pumps shut off by 10pm and it was 10:45pm. In between all this we were taking wrong turns, people were hungry, the other car (whose diesel was drying up) had their AC still on. Funny no? Hell NO.
We pass by a McDonald’s. Some say “lets go”. Some say “pass”. We pass and it turns out that we made a mistake. No resto in sight. All petrol pumps we see are closed or worse even, closing down in front of us!! Finally we see one ‘Shri Sai Restaurant – Family Restaurant and Bar’. With no other option and people even more hungry, we decide to go. And ya, I forgot to mention, we were 7 guys & 5 girls. All handsome and beautiful respectively. So, we go ahead with the only resto in sight and it turns out to be a really good one. Will talk about the food later. Like I observed on one of my trips to Wagah Border. In the Pakistani side of the border, all guys sit on one side of the ‘place to sit’ & all girls on the other side. Strictly. We also parked ourselves in the same manner in the resto, I don’t know why.
And then came the time to order food.
2 chicken afghani, with red gravy and a bit spicy.
3 paneer something starters.
2 more vegetable dishes.
10 butter rotis.
1 peg of 100 Pipers
1 masala dosa
4 pathetic lassi
2 bowls of peanuts for free
Total Bill: 2500 INR
Satisfaction: negative
We ate. We played with peanuts targeting each other. All this was happening @ 1am and we had a looooong night/drive ahead. Anywz..we hit the road after dinner, got to a diesel pump. Filled the cars with fuel and started again. No sooner that we started, we took one wrong turn and by mistake took the Mumbai-Pune expressway and as our car was ahead of the two, I was blamed (God knows why, I wasn’t even driving) But the issue was that this grave blunder of ours was realized by us only after about 4kms into the expressway @ 2am. This is what we do. We call our respective friends (who live in Mumbai or Pune) to ask them when is the next U-turn / intersection on this expressway!!! And somehow we get to know that its 40kms away; cant afford any delay here. What do we do? We take our cars back on the wrong-side of the Mumbai-Pune expressway (FYI, this is one of the most accident prone highways of India, and that night I found it so true) Somehow we got to the correct road FINALLY.
Out of 7 guys (Bapu, Vir, Sujamal, Reliance, GE, Vishesh & Pankaj), 5 (Bapu, Vir, Sujamal, GE & Vishesh) could drive and out of these 5 guys 4 (Bapu, Vir, Sujamal & GE) opted to drive. Vishesh said he could not drive a diesel car!!!!
The car which was ahead always had to ‘check’ for the car behind, for obvious reasons. The most tragic/funny part was that one car had MP3 player and the other car did not! I was in the MP3 car ;) The MP3 car had like 1200 different songs to choose from. The other car had 12.
I don’t remember anyone actually sleeping the MP3 car. And we could see all but one (Bapu, who was driving) sleeping in the other car. The pity was he was listening to mobile songs to keep himself alive and we had to ‘check’ him/them every once in a while. So, the drive was good, music was even better. The weathergods were also meherbaan on us I guess. It used to rain for 5 mins and normal again for 60 mins. This went on till Goa. But wait, we haven’t reached Goa yet. We are still approx. 400kms away and ya I for got to tell you the most important part. Of the 7 guys in total, only one (Pankaj) was a non-smoker but if passive smoking kills earlier then well Pray for me..! So the point was that, that these fag-gang used to take a break (for smoking) but calling it anything but a smoke-break. This, I assume must have delayed our reaching Goa by atleast 2 hours. We drove for a while. They smoked a lot. And then at one place somewhere in the Sindhudurg (southern Maharashtra) @ about 4:30am we took a chai break. We ordered 10 chai, 1 coffee and 2 mineral water bottles. It was one of the most pathetic chai I ever had. Only GE, Bapu, Vir & Reliance cud finish it, everyone else failed to. God know what are these guys used to drinking to. Then we asked for the bill and this is how the conversation was:
Sujamal – “bhou, bill kitna hua”
Bhou – “Rs.220”
Chorus – “What the f***? Twwwoo Huuuundreeed aannd Ttwwweennnttyyy Ruuppeess?? For the worst chai on planet earth @ 4:30am in the most deserted place in Maharashtra?”
Imagine, we were trying to ‘bargain’ for the chai we had. And it worked as well. We settled for Rs.200, I don’t know what happiness we gained by saving 20 bucks that sultry night.
Anywz..ahead we marched. It was precisely 6:15am and we had touched the ghats (the beautiful hilly drive) It was drizzling and it was awesome (read:awaysome) We get a call from the other car.
Vir: “Come back guys, Bapu has puked as his body mechanism could not handle the hilly zig-zags”
Vishesh: “Will have to go back, Bapu has puked….IN THE CAR”
Somehow I knew this puke thing was going to be a hilarious experience.
We drove back and saw Bapu covered in puke all over, his tees and lowers and shoes as well. Poor chap.
I told you this was a hilly area (and believe me when I say that southern Maharashtra is THE PLACE to be in monsoon) and it had rained up in the mountains, which created many tiny waterfalls in the ghats. And our Bapu was like, “come what may, I wan2 take a bath.” We set out with the bottles we had to ‘collect water’ for Bapu to have a bath or atleast clean himself. The drinking water with us was over.
This is what each one was doing.
Vishesh: laughing & trying to target a mango from a tree nearby, in vain.
Pankaj: helping Vishesh achieve his goal, failing fruitlessly...literally..!
Sujamal: showing as if he was the only caring person on earth but doing nothing.
Vir: trying to answer this question “Why did I come?”
Reliance: “Have we reached Goa?”
GE: was he even there?
Radha: trying to find a water source nearby and very much worried.
Riddhi: helping her.
Isha: helping her.
Maanu: helping her.
Karina: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Bapu: “I wan2 take a bath or we are not inching ahead”
Finally the FBI girls found out a beautiful waterfall (about 50ft high) only about 10mtrs away from us, not easily visible from the road. Bapu, at that point of time was the happiest person in the universe. He took a royal shower, we clicked some pics and there it was, all happy. We inched ahead again, vowing to not to take a break again, till Goa. 45mins later, the fag-gang was active again. After all this and no more major delays, we reached Goa @ 13:00, about 27hrs after we had left Ahmedabad;majorly thanks to our fag-gang, breaks every hour..!
Trust me when I say, our ass had gone thru a lot.
Day 1
We reached in the after noon and straightaway headed to the liquor shop. Our shopping list for Day one was:
20 Budweisers
2 Teachers whiskey
1 Chivas Regal
16 Bacardi Breezers
With all this and ourselves, we reached the resort. Beautiful sunny afternoon. Nice rooms. All went to sleep. Only a few zombies like me, Vishesh & Reliance dint sleep. Anywz, all were up at 8pm, gathered in one of the rooms for ‘you know what’. One could not help but notice the twinkle in Bapu’s eyes when it is time to make drinks and managing everyone’s pegs and stuff. Its really something. After 2 hrs into drinking n all, each one had to mock either himself/herself or anybody else. That was one funny session. Vir mocked his wife. Isha mocked herself. Bapu mocked his boss. GE too mocked his boss. Pankaj wrote this blog. It was fun and it was 2am. Some went to a walk on the beach. Others went to sleep.
Day 2
The morning started with waking up each other and lazying around. We were asked to be ready by 11:00am by Sujamal, the finance manager of the trip, the trip arranger, the people manager. We were going to Fort Aguada & St.Francis church. But before that, Sujamal had a surprise for us. He had bought 12 identical T-shirts (with a logo of his travel firm-Dattu Travels) from Ahmedabad. It turned out to be a really nice idea, as the pics would show you.
We headed towards the St.Francis church, situated in Old Goa. Let me tell you, only 42% of us wanted to go to the church n all but those 42% made up the girls in the group. So..obviously we had to go.
The drive to the church is a good one thru Old Goa with Mandovi river flowing on one side and civilization on the other. We reached the church, with people all around watching us curiously. Again, the fag-gang was active and I had to, with no choice left, follow them for my share of passive smoking. This church is beautiful, from the inside as well as from the outside. Had a group pic session once outside and a sprint between the rest 58%, the guys. I won. Don’t know about the second & third.
Lesson for the fag-gang: Smoking leads you to lose races as well, besides killing of course.
Our next destination was Fort Aguada, a torned-out fort but a beautiful one. As we reached the fort, we decided to have a cup of tea (I’ve atleast 8 of them a day, in office) but my first in Goa. Now the tea-stall lady had an Indian breed dog; his name-Buddhu. It was, no doubt, a friendly one. Once done with the tea, we headed towards the fort, with Buddhu giving us company.
I must say, Buddhu was quite photogenic.
At the fort, we had some really crazy photo sessions; the pics here will support my statement for sure. Anywz, once done with the fort, our resort was our destination for the day, of course, another liquor shopping on the list midway.
This night was going to be a great one cos,
a) All friends were together.
b) Wimbledon’08 Final between Nadal & Federar was to be played tonight.
c) We were drinking.
d) We were in Goa..what else does one need yaar..!
All started @ 9pm. The Wimbledon final and our ‘session’. As I always have been, a Roger Federer fan, it was no different that night. But I dint know we had traitors among us. We had some people following Nadal. And so it happened, forming of groups. And when one mixes drinks + friends + any sport..you’ve no idea of where the drink is going, its only clear the next morning and this is what was precisely going to happen. Nadal won first 2 sets but we had faith in Federer and with it we gulped down some more, in my case I was already 7 Budweisers down. Federer took away the 3rd set and then it rained and the match stopped for a while. But we didn’t. We had some dinner and in the meanwhile the match resumed. In the chaos of our own Federer vs Nadal, we continued watching the final. 4th set was again taken away by Federer and this match couldn’t have been more tense. By this time, we were literally ‘off’. The 5th set was an amazing one and even the non-tennis fans among us were following it curiously! Nadal took away the final set by 9-7 and washed away Federer’s chances of clinching 5th Wimbledon title in a row. But at the end it was game well played by two tennis rock stars and the best one won. And among us it was a different story. By the time we realized tennis was over and it was time to sleep, most of us were drunk n all but it was fun and a sport-night never to be forgotten.
PS: Today, I lost my phone & with it a chance to meet a friend & eventually 2 wine bottles!
Day 3
As were the deeds of the previous night, most woke up pretty late. And the best thing was we had no plans to go anywhere but to stay at the resort and do whatever. The day, as all previous days started with lovely breakfast prepared by the ladies gang + Sujamal. All others were there just to eat and then rate the food. The best part was that I could start my day with a Budweiser….which I did, everyday with people giving me company.We then decided to play cricket….on the beach. It was funny as I stood as an umpire the entire game, even though I was the self-made captain of one of the teams! Later went into the waters with divided opinions. Some were for the beach while some were for the pool.
We were in the waters for some time until because of high-tide, we were asked to pack bags and go to the pool. Sad.
Didn’t matter though. Pool was cool. Like kids we played some pool volleyball. We won. This is my blog, I cant let myself lose! We were in the pool splattering water, playing, doing all kinds of idiotic stuff, basically having fun.
Vir asked us, if we want some beer in the pool. Neki aur pooch pooch. Obviously we said yes and this is what Vir did. He went to the room. Came back. Gulped 2 beers in front of me and then says, “Beer is over Pankaj!”
We were done with the pool and we were hungry but with no beer or scotch in sight, we went shopping again. Bought a lot.
A day earlier, we had planned to go to a disc called Tito’s. The best in Goa. But people were too tired to go all that far n stuff. Sujamal, the man God has sent on earth to keep friends happy came up with an idea. He got a good deal with the resort guys to arrange a private party exclusively for us @ their disc.
I’ve to admit one thing. Girls are prepared for anything, any day. It’s a God gift or something. After we all were dressed up n ready to go (although the venue was only a walk, 5mins away)
Girls were all looking beautiful and guys were….guys! They were like..as if they knew about this party years ago and came prepared. Am only blaming us.
The disc was nice. Tequila was refreshing. Company was good. DJ was cool.
Overall a funight.
Day 4
Time to go home..but not before a pic-session before all the bottles finished by us during our stay.
A 23hr journey back home..n with minor glitches like punctured tyre n fag-gang breaks..we reached home but I dont know how many'll actually reach here after reading all of the above..!!!
They say, Goa is not a place, it’s a state of mind. I wont argue.
I must appreciate pankaj... a really wonderful effort... to keep the memories of the best ever trip alive forever :-)
hey pankaj had read dis b4 but after reading the whole blog wid pics everything is so fresh again as if it was jt ystdy dat v cme back from goa it feels so gud i really appreciate dis.....wish dat v can go on such trips quite often nd always create such memories......
really good job pankaj!!
wanna go to goa again ;)
i hate it!!!!!!!!
sorry, dude m so not impressed...
Wondering "How to Reach Goa" ?
Hope this helps!
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